How to Get Scratches out of Glasses | Our Most Recommended Methods

July 27th,2023

How to get scratches out of glasses you just bought? This article talks about all the things one needs to know for fixing this issue.

How to Get Scratches out of Glasses

Okay, you spend a couple of hundred dollars on your brand-new pair of glasses and now they are already scratched. So, how to get rid of them? We got three most favorite ways to deal with this situation which we try ourselves and found effective.

First, the baking soda method in which you have to create a paste by mixing baking soda with clean water. Then, apply the paste to the scratches on the lens of your eyeglasses but don't forget to use a soft cotton ball. Make sure that your movement is very gentle while rubbing the paste in a circular motion. Do it for around 10 to 15 seconds and then rinse it off to see the results. 

The second method is also very effective which is the vehicle wax method. Sounds related? It is. Apply your favorite car wax in a small amount to the scratched area & gently buff it with a soft and super clean cloth to avoid giving more scratches. Then, rinse the lens with lukewarm water and dry it again with a microfiber cloth.

The third one is similar to the second one, in which you have to use a metal polish on the scratched area which is known to give significant results as well. Just make sure that before applying it, the lens is clean otherwise you will make it worse. 

Why Could We Find Scratches on Our Glasses?  

Finding and identifying scratches is a relatively easy process that requires some careful observation. We recommend starting by cleaning the lenses first but do it with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any dirt. Next, find a well-lit area in your room like under a study lamp, preferably with natural light, where you can inspect the glasses more effectively. Then, firmly hold your glasses at various angles under the light & tilt them slightly to catch reflections on the lens surface. You will see those notorious scratches or grooves on the glass (or plastic). The size of these scratches may vary in length and depth and can occur on either the outside exposed to the environment or the inside closer to your eyes.

Scratches on glasses can be attributed to various factors, and understanding these reasons can help prevent and mitigate damage. One common cause is improper handling, where rough treatment or using improper cleaning techniques can lead to scratches on the lenses.

Another reason for scratches is incorrect storage. Failing to use a protective case can expose glasses to potential damage, especially when placing them face-down on surfaces or leaving them unprotected in bags or purses. Abrasive surfaces, such as sand or rough countertops, can also lead to scratches when glasses come into contact with them.

Regular wear and tear from everyday use can gradually result in tiny scratches, particularly if the glasses aren't handled and cleaned with care. Cleaning glasses with dirty materials, such as using a cloth with debris or using tissues and paper towels, can also scratch the lenses.


Tips for Repairing Lens Scratches  

After understanding the causes, let's go back to the original question: how to remove scratches from eyeglasses? In addition to the three effective methods mentioned at the beginning, we will offer you more useful tips.

Glass Etching Cream:

  • This method is suitable for glass lenses, not plastic ones. Glass etching cream can be found at craft or hardware stores.
  • Apply a small amount of the etching cream to the scratch and let it sit for a minute or two (follow the product instructions).
  • Rinse the lens thoroughly with water and dry it with a soft cloth.
  • The etching cream can help to remove the scratched layer of the glass, but it may also slightly distort the lens, so use it with caution.

Nail Polish:

  • Clear nail polish can help temporarily fill in minor scratches and make them less noticeable.
  • Apply a thin layer of clear nail polish over the scratch and let it dry completely.
  • Wipe away any excess polish using a soft, clean cloth.

Pencil Eraser:

For very light scratches, a clean pencil eraser (preferably a soft white one) can be gently rubbed over the scratch to help reduce its visibility.

Anti-Scratch Coatings:

Some eyeglass repair kits include anti-scratch coatings that can be applied to the lenses to help fill in and reduce the appearance of scratches.

Replace Lenses:

If the scratches are severe or impacting your vision, consider replacing the lenses altogether. Many optical stores can provide lens replacement services, and it's often more cost-effective than buying new glasses.

How to avoid getting scratches on glasses  

The most effective way of preventing these scratches is by using a microfiber cloth and clean water while cleaning it. These clothes are designed with extremely small and smooth bristles and from very premium cotton. Also, the percentage of cotton in this fabric is always near 95 percent making it extremely soft to the touch and can’t harm the surface of your eyeglasses.  Also, if your microfiber is used for more than three months, we recommend changing it as it can collect dust, and using it can damage the glass surface too. Moreover, this cloth should be stored in an enclosed box to reduce contact with dust particles.

Make sure to rinse your glasses under lukewarm water to remove any debris. Use your microfiber cloth to gently buff the lenses in a circular motion but make sure that your movement is not too fast and pressure is low. We don't recommend using improper cleaning materials like paper towels or tissues, they will permanently scratch your glasses. In case the scratch on your eyeglasses is severe or affecting your vision then it's best to seek professional repair or consider replacing the lens element altogether.

To conclude the topic "how to get scratches out of glasses", we recommend keeping your glasses in a soft and well-protected eyeglasses case that is made by a well-known brand. Avoid putting your previous glasses in those cheap plastic cases which can severely damage your glasses without any hope to be recovered.

Taking care will bring the best results rather than repairing them. Not to mention, repairing will not always bring hundred percent results so keep that in mind. 

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