Why Is a Child Blinking a Lot When Watching Mobile and How to Prevent It?

August 31st,2023

Why is a child blinking a lot when watching mobile? Solving this question can help children avoid frequent blinking of their eyes and other concerning symptoms.


A child blinking a lot when watching mobile can be caused by the eyelids or other eye problems, the environment changes, and stress. But when watching mobile or other digital screens, eye strain is the most common reason for a child’s frequent blinking. Children must pay attention to eye health because excessive blinking can be a sign of severe eye health problems and even neurological problems. So how can parents prevent frequent blinking of eyes in a child?

What are the causes of a child blinking a lot when watching mobile?

As we all know, blinking is a natural reflex that protects the eye from dryness, dust, or other objects coming toward it. Child blinking a lot when watching mobile is typically regarded as a small, semi-voluntary but uncontrolled body movement. It is caused by stress, fatigue, or dry eye syndrome linked to focused eye activities.

Excessive screen time among children can initiate a sequence of events that ultimately gives rise to a range of ocular problems. Prolonged exposure to television, computer monitors, phone screens, and extended reading sessions places strain on a child's eyes, triggering issues such as headaches, eye strain, and dry eyes. This effect is particularly pronounced when dealing with handheld devices necessitating focused attention, as the eye's capacity to focus on nearby objects hinges on the deliberate contractions of its muscles. Consequently, children find themselves grappling with the discomfort of eye strain.

The widely recognized correlation between frequent usage of mobile phones and digital screens and the emergence of eye strain. Specific attributes inherent in the viewing of computer screens and digital displays, coupled with the heightened visual demands they place, render a disproportionately large number of individuals, particularly youngsters, vulnerable to symptoms related to vision. Within this spectrum, the common manifestation of dry eyes emerges as a frequent outcome of the eye strain induced by digital devices. It's pertinent to note that instances where children frequently express sensations of discomfort, such as a sensation of burning, or exhibit habits like excessive eye rubbing and blinking, may point to dry eyes as the underlying issue.

The increase in a child's customary blinking patterns is intricately linked to their interactions with screens. Often unwittingly, the allure of screen-based entertainment leads to a decrease in blinking frequency during these activities. Ordinarily, a person blinks approximately 17 times per minute, but this rate dramatically declines to just 4 blinks per minute during focused screen engagement. Over time, this diminished blinking contributes to the development of ocular dryness, impacting the front surface of the eye. Consequently, compensatory mechanisms manifest, leading to heightened blinking during other instances.

How can we help prevent the frequent blinking of eyes in a child?

It's important to follow the 20-20-20 rule and take regular breaks from screen time. After school, it can be difficult to limit screen time due to increased visual needs due to virtual schools and electronic entertainment. Therefore, it is important to get used to taking regular breaks. Give your child a 20-second break from the screen every 20 minutes and focus on something at least 20 feet away to rest their eyes. Balance video game time with lots of creative, outdoor, quiet games.

In addition to regular breaks, remind your child to blink and stay away from screens. An eye massage helps relieve dry, tired eyes. Increasing the distance from the screen can reduce digital eye strain by allowing the eyes to relax from overfocusing. If your child is too close to a digital device, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, as children who sit too close to screens may experience poor vision.

Make your playroom easier on the eyes by reducing glare and providing overall softer lighting. Avoid playing video games in a dark room, as high contrast between the screen and surroundings can make viewing uncomfortable. If the room is softly lit, unwanted contrast is minimized. Keep your screen free of fingerprints and dust, as fingerprints and dust can reduce visual clarity.


Child blinking a lot when watching mobile is due to prolonged digital device use which can lead to eye fatigue, ocular discomfort even visual disturbance The most common and troublesome symptoms of digital eye blinking are tiredness and dryness. Parents should reduce their children’s mobile use time to prevent digital eye strain, which may lead to frequent blinking of eyes in a child and even other severe eye problems.

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